- height of zero temperature level 0℃层高度
- Water freezes at zero temperature. 水在摄氏零度结冰。
- Yes! You are right! There is a minus in front of the numbers, aka below zero temperature. 对了!在数字前是有个负号,就是说,这是零下的天气。
- Such parameters as ambient oxidizer concentration, temperature level, and fuel identity are held constant. 周围氧化剂浓度、温度量级、燃料性质参数是保持恒定的。
- Yes ! You are right ! There is a minus in front of the numbers, aka below zero temperature. 对了!在数字前是有个负号,就是说,这是零下的天气。
- The diode D8 is a 5.6 V zener, which here operates at its zero temperature coefficient current. 二极管第8点是一个5.;6 V稳压,而在这里工作在其目前的零温度系数。
- Abstract: Bandgap Reference can provide stable voltage with nearly zero temperature coefficient and larger PSRR,and also are process unrelated. 文章摘要: 带隙基准可提供近似零温度系数和大的电源电压抑制比的稳定电压基准,且与工艺基本无关。
- Namely windows temperature level and distribution asymmetry are ensured by thermal control system within allowable range. 为此,要对窗口组件进行热控制,以有效地控制窗口与周围环境的热交换过程,使得窗口的温度恒定、均匀。 窗口热控制是在被动热控的基础上加以主动热控来控制窗口热状态的。
- Based on the Green function method, in part 5, we derive a equation which enable us to calculate the excitation spectrum (for zero temperature) in BEC exactly. 应用格林函数理论研究了捕获原子BEC中的原激发。
- Owing to quantum mechanical fluctuations, delocalized vacancies and defects are expected to be present in crystalline solid 4He, even in the limit of zero temperature. 一种“超级流体”具有“超级流动”的能力似乎是自然的,但理论预测,“超级流动”甚至可在氦的固体相中出现。
- After zero temperature geometry optimization, the equilibrate structure belongs to C2/M and P-3M1 symmetry depends on the high/low accuracy, respectively. 通过零温的几何优化得到了间隙掺杂体系的稳定结构,以对称结构中原子的位置与原结构中原子位置之间的距离作为寻找结构空间对称群的精度,则低精度条件下对称群归属单斜晶系C2/M,高精度下其对称群则属于三角晶系P-3M1。
- Aim at this problem, analyzed the factor caused pulverized coal complete combustionafter adding BFG. And gained a conclusion: time that pulverized coal keeps in furnaceshorten and temperature level decline is the important reason above all. 针对这一问题,本文首先分析了高炉煤气掺烧对煤粉燃尽影响的各种因素,并得出高炉煤气掺烧使得锅炉炉膛温度下降明显、燃烧烟气生成量大大增加、煤粉在炉内停留时间变短是掺烧引起锅炉飞灰可燃物含量上升的主要因素。
- The results indicate that raising the average temperature level in furnace, enlarging high-temperature zone and increasing the oxygen content in furnace outlet result in the rise of burn-off degree. 结果表明,提高炉内平均温度水平,扩大高温区范围,增大炉膛出口处氧气浓度均对燃尽有利。
- The analytic formulas of the dlelectric function In ZGS at zero temperature are derived, The contribuion of LO phonon scattering has been taken Into account to explain the asymmetric energy loss peaks. 本文导出在零温度条件下的零禁带半导体的介电常数的解析公式。 考虑到LO声子散射的贡献说明反对称的能量吸收峰。
- Whether the heights of plants for the different temperature levels are drawn from the same underlying population. 处于不同温度级别环境中的植物的高度是否取自相同的基础样本总体。
- The skydivers faced sub zero temperatures and fast changing weather when they jumped in front of Everest to touch down in the foothills of the mountain. 当这些高空跳伞者在圣母峰之前纵身跃下、到著陆于山麓区时,他们面临了零度以下的气温与变化迅速的天气。
- The rule and characteristic of the defrosting zone's development around the borehole at different temperature levels are depicted. 描述了不同温度下,多年冻结区钻孔周围融化带发展的规律和特点。
- The mercury dived to ten below zero. 温度突然下降到零下10度。
- The article described the practical use of high temperature leveling agent FL, two methods for e_valuating leveling effect, and the result obtained by it. 介绍了高温匀染剂FL的实用工艺,以及评价匀染剂性能的两种实用方法;综述了高温匀染剂FL的应用效果。
- Colder still. The temperature will drop to five below zero. 更冷。气温将降至摄氏零下五度。